Me with my 3 parrots, Rosie, Nebby, & Simba.



I have always found myself wanting to incorporate nature and wildlife within my work. It has provided me with never-ending inspirations and ideas, as well as helped me through my struggles with mental illness. My artwork is my way of giving back to those who have given me hope to remain here and create. I want to be able to take the beauty the world gives me and create something more with it. I hope for my work to touch others in a way that can make them smile, laugh, or feel even the slightest bit of happiness or wonder. 

A lot of my recent work contains avian elements because birds are what bring me the most joy. Not only do I incorporate birds in my illustrations, but there is a strong influence present in my design-focused work like logos, bird-inspired color palettes, and feather or wing accents.

Currently, I am working on improving and discovering more in the realms of concept art, character design, creature design, and world building. I believe a lot of people like to escape into different worlds when they struggle or are stuck in a dark place. I hope to take the pain from my own life and use it to form and create a world with a meaningful, inspirational story and characters for others to find joy in.